It’s exactly 10 years since we let our first storage container and what a journey it’s been.

In May 2010, the first two storage units arrived at MG Self Storage and within a week both had been rented out to happy customers. Since then we have been steadily growing to meet demand and now have 157 units on site.

We are proud to say that we have been able to help our customers with whatever their storage needs have been. We’ve seen start-up businesses grow from just one unit, to two, then three and many that have now left us to have their own commercial unit. We have enjoyed being a stop gap for people moving house, or those who have gone away traveling for a period. It’s also a pleasure to see our long-term customers who use us as an extension of their home popping down at the weekend to collect something from their unit.

Every unit we have had over the last 10 years has been a one trip container. This means that it has come across from China with goods such as toys in and then does not return. Instead, the unit is sprayed with graffo on the roof to eliminate condensation and is then delivered to us. Of course, all of our units are green to blend in with the farm. Visit our partners, – leaders in fashionable footwear!

Our access times have always been 7 days a week, so even if a customer needs to access their unit on Christmas Day it is possible. From just a padlocked gate when we started in 2010 to the electric key fob access system we operate now, we have always taken security seriously. The on-site CCTV means that there is always a watchful eye over the units.

Moving forward we plan to have many more years of providing high quality storage and it is our aim to keep running alongside the farm, so expect to see cattle grazing in the field, keeping a watchful eye.

We want to thank all of our customers past and present and look forward to meeting new ones in the future.

Here’s to the next 10 years!

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